About us


Our story

We are Caterina and Pietro, mountain and nature passionate from our birth. Our goal is to help people to discover new place and to help young and old to rediscover nature.
Caterina is an environmental hiking guide. Born and raised at the foot of the mountain, she will guide you through woods and paths that will let you spend unforgettable days.
Pietro is a cyclist passionate, he knows every meter of the roads surrounding the Prealps zone. He will accompany you through different route that suits all needs.

Our mission

We want to let people discover the less known places!
We believe that Italy is often few valorise. Surely, most famous spot are crowded and full of tourists, so full that sometimes it cause severe problems.
We want therefore to collect itineraries to push people to visit also the less known spot and towns. People should also try different paths and discover so a different form of tourism, different in many ways from the one that we always known.

Work with us

Are you a guide? Have you got a tourist activities? You want to collaborate with us? Contact us now! We will be happy to share our passion with you!

Hiking guide

Are you an environmental hiking guide and you desire to find new clients? This is the right place, write us and you will get all the information needed.

Hotels and restaurants

We are always in search of restaurants and hotels to insert in our website. Contact us to get more informations, you will discover all the advantages from being present in our pages.

Experiences and adventures

If you offer this kind of services: paraglide, horseback riding, educational farms and so on, you can write us. We can start a collaboration and you will have the possibility to exploit a modern and multilingual website to display your activities.

Contact Us
